
Wednesday 18 December 2013

Lezyne Alloy Drive Bracket Mount / Jagwire Non Crimp Cable Ferrules

Got a couple of items today:

Lezyne Bracket Mount for Alloy Drive Pump

I bought the Lezyne alloy drive pump about ... 2-3 years ago now(?) and it's been absolutely brilliant.  It originally came with a bracket to fit the pump to the water bottle bosses/lugs, so I fit it to the CX bike I have and it's been great on that.

Rather than buy a brand new pump for the new Surly LHT bike, I thought I'd just buy a spare bracket so I could use the same pump on both bikes.

Have to say Lezyne are great in terms of the spares you can buy for their products - whilst I was looking for this bracket (which was available everywhere by the way), I also noticed they even have a seal replacement kit for the alloy drive pump.  I don't actually need one of these right now but it's good to know they do exist.

Compare this to Crank Brothers... I have numerous complaints about Crank Brothers products that I could mention but don't really want to get started here... but just relating to the pumps that Crank Bros sell - I had a couple of problems with a Crank Bros pump I bought - a. the bracket broke due to a design fault and b. the pump itself broke (again, mainly down to the poor design of the pump).  Crank Bros don't sell any spares at all for their products (or at least they didn't do at that time 2-3 yrs ago and I'd be surprised if they sell them now) so you either have to try and complain to the manufacturer / distributor to get a spare part outside of warranty (which was useless in my experience), or stump up for a new pump (when the pump actually would work fine if you could just get the one replacement seal for it which probably costs pennies to produce)... a great deal of style over content I'm afraid with Crank Brothers.

Anyway... yes Lezyne are a preferred alternative in my opinion to Crank Brothers particularly for pumps(!)... great build quality / usability, plus great after sales support in terms of spare components available.

The bracket cost a fiver or so... which isn't totally cheap but at the same time saves having to fork out at least as much for a cheapo alternative that would probably last 5 minutes:

Fits perfectly to the side of the water bottle:

My only issue is I would have preferred to fit it to the seat tube so that it's out of the way of my feet as I'm cycling (I can just see the pump getting caught in the leg of my shorts in summer time!).  Unfortunately I couldn't fit it there because I'd already fitted the Abus lock case, and the pump bracket wouldn't fit alongside the lock case.  It'll probably be fine though.

Jagwire Pro Non-Crimp Ferrules

Hah well not a lot to say about these really (but I'm sure I'll end up waffling on anyway!).  I didn't have any ferrules to finish off the cabling (the little 'end caps' you cover the ends of the brake and gear gables once they've been fitted to stop them fraying).  I was going to go for the pennies option of buying regular ferrules, but then saw these snazzy red anodized ferrules from Jagwire and just couldn't resist.

They were a relatively eye watering £3.50 (compared to normal ferrules where you can probably buy 100 for the same price!)... although in my defence, they are re-usable... so if I manage to not lose them by catching them with a foot then they should last a while.

They have little rubber 'grommets' around the ends which you poke the cable end through and are meant to hold the ferrules in place without you having to 'crimp' them on with pliers:

All of which is fine in theory but like I say above I can just imagine them getting snagged on something and lost forever... time will tell.

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